Project :4, task :May my Word

May my Word

In May the quarantine has not been as hard as the other months since we can leave home, and we can even go to the bar of terraces, people already go more to their ball.  But now there are people who as they are in phase 1 think they can do whatever they want and all they are doing is make phase 1 last longer or return to phase 0, which is horrible for people who follow the rules.
The weather of this month is quite strong, because suddenly it has been very hot, and at night it is horrible because you can not sleep very well because, it does not rain, and I do not like hot weather, because I do not have much grace than being able to sleep well, but as it may is normal.
On the other hand, personally I feel much freer as I can meet friends, with all regulations, But after two months, it turned out a bit of strange to leave home and see the people I have not seen a long time ago.


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